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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Do we respond to the call of Jesus on our lives?

We are all God's creation and all of us have a call on our lives.  Have you taken the time to figure out what the call is?  Do you know what expectations that our Heavenly Father has of you?  We have been created with unique talents and gifts.  It is our job to discover the talent and giftings that God has enabled us with and to use any education or development that we can to grow and develop in that.  We want to respond to Jesus call on our lives.  For it is when we respond to the call that we will be about our Heavenly Father's business and we will also be the most fulfilled. (Matthew 4:18,19)

Monday, January 30, 2012

The importance of learning more about Jesus

We can never learn enough about Jesus.  He is the author and finisher of our faith.  The wonderful thing about Jesus is that his revelations are unending.  As you draw closer to Jesus you also will start to learn about his and the Heavenly Father's secrets.  It's especially important to read the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  In those Gospels are the recordings of what our Savior said.  Reading and studying those texts will unfold revelation after revelation and we will better understand some of the things that have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. (Matthew 13:35)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Which path do we take in life?

In life we are presented with many different paths that we could potentially take.  However, the key is to find out the path that will bring you the most happiness, joy and fulfillment.  In Psalms 16:11, it says "You will show me the path of life.."  If Jesus is the Lord over our life and we have submitted ourselves to his authority, we will be provided the guidance that we need so that we choose the right path.  The path of life is the path that is based upon the Word of God and the path that we have been directed upon by our Heavenly Father.  That is the brightest, happiest, joyous and most blessed path to be upon.  Just ask our Heavenly Father and he will show you.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some people may ridicule you when you speak by faith

God has admonished us that we should live by faith.  If we have been justified by faith in Jesus Christ, then we should walk out our life by faith in the Word of God.  However, some people will find it peculiar that  you have such faith in God and that you actually put faith in or believe what he says.  It is by faith that we are able to obtain everything in our life.  These people who might ridicule you when you are speaking faith won't be doing that for long, through.  When they see the results of your faith then the ridicule will turn to awe, and that would be a great moment to bring them to Christ. (Matthew 9:24)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

God answers prayer

My dear brothers and sisters, we serve an absolutely awesome God.  There is nothing that he won't do for us.  One important facet of our relationship with our Heavenly Father is that we commune with him in prayer.  As long as we pray in congruent with the will of our Heavenly Father, we are guaranteed results.  I think of the prayer of Abraham's servant that went on a mission as assigned to him by Abraham to pick a bride for Issac.  As soon as Abraham's servant finished praying, the Lord answered his prayer.  It is the same for us.  As we pray according to the will of God in our lives, God's grace will surely move on our behalf.  (Genesis 24:12-19)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Do you want to be happier?

In life if you ask people about whether they want to be happy or not, almost all people would say that they want to be happy.  Some organizations even go so far as to research this area to find out which country or areas of the world that people are the most happiest in.  The reason is because happiness causes people to be more productive in their lives and healthier.  In Proverbs the Lord tells us that his wisdom will make us happier.  Wisdom is in the heart of understanding.  As we grow in the knowledge of God and he gives us greater insight and understanding, and we then put that wisdom and understanding into practice, we are assured that we will be happier in our lives. (Proverbs 3:13)

Monday, January 23, 2012

We can lose the place God has called us to

Our Heavenly Father has a place for each and every person that he has created.  Did you create yourself?  Of course not.  You had a creator and that creator has a purpose and a plan for you.  But it is possible to lose the place that God has called us to.  One example of this was Esau.  If you read Genesis 25:33,34, you see that Esau sold his birthright (or his place) for a bowl of lentils soup.  How did Esau lose the place that was rightfully his?  Because he did not place a high enough priority or value on what God had called him to.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The power of belief brings God's power into our lives

It is the power of belief that opens up God's power to us.  God's power is always available to us.  We always have access to it.  But the question is do we really believe God's word.  In the passage in Matthew 8:13, Jesus told the Centurion that according to his belief would his servant experience God's healing power and be restored.  It is the same for us.  If we will lay hold of the Word of God in faith and believe, then the power in the Word of God will be released into our life or circumstances and we will experience the blessings of God.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The blessing of the Lord is always working for us

To those who are in Christ, the blessing of the Lord is always working for us even when we make mistakes or say the wrong thing.  If we are faithful, the Lord will always work things out for our good.  He will protect us and even send his angels to visit with those with whom we are dealing with in a dream, to watch over us and to make sure that things work out for us as our Heavenly Father intends. (Genesis 20:1-3)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Having trouble going to sleep or sleeping?

Sometimes because of the busyness of the day or the busyness of our lives, we have trouble getting to sleep or sleeping.  Our Heavenly Father has a solution in faith for this as well.  Psalms 4:8 says: "I both lie down in peace, and sleep; For you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."  What a wonderful faith prescription to take and go to sleep.  Should we also have a care that we are dealing with, then cast that over on the Lord as well.  But lay your eyes on this word and say it and receive it into your heart and then have a good nights sleep.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If we do get angry (and we should try not to) we should not sin

We should try not to get angry.  Anger is a secondary emotion that is usually triggered by some need or expectation not being met.  When something doesn't go the way we would like, we can get angry.  If we do get angry we should be very cautious in what we say and do.  Because it is at such a time that we can do something that we will later regret.  If we are angry, we should deal with what's causing the anger.  Remember this, it is always helpful to learn from every situation and go easy on others. (Psalms 4:4)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Do we conduct our life in a way that God's promises can be fulfilled?

As a child of God, we have many many promises that our Heavenly Father has provided for us in the Bible.  These promises that our Heavenly Father has provided for us are for our blessing.  They are for us to manifest the blessing of God in our lives.  My question is are we conducting our lives in such a way that the promises of God will come to pass in our lives.  That is up to us.  (Matthew 4:13-14)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Are we truely repentant?

We all make mistakes in life but the key is do we learn from them.  Once we learn about what God wants us to do or not to do, how do we handle that?  It should be that we ask forgiveness and repent. True repentance brings about a change in our behavior or what we say and do.  It means that we change our behavior to what God wants us to do or not to do.  Want to know if your are repentant?  Just evaluate your behavior. (Matthew 7:20)

Friday, January 13, 2012

We want to be faithful

In this day and age, people are not as faithful as they used to be.  In years past, people would be more faithful to their spouses, work, family, friends, church and committments that they make.  But God does require faithfulness from us.  When we are not as faithful to God as we should be it can slow down or hinder our blessings.  It is our faithfulness to God that draws him ever closer to us and opens up the door for him to meet our every need.  (Philippians 4:19)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Seed, Time and Harvest

Everything in this earth operates off of Seed, Time and Harvest.  When you have a need do you think about what type of seed you can sow to resolve the need?  Remember that the Bible teaches us that whatever a person sows that will they also reap.  It is from your sowing that you will reap a harvest.  (Genesis 8:22)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We have to heed the warning signs that God gives us.

When we pray and seek the Lord on matters, we want to be on the look out for warning signs.  Sometimes we want things so bad that we don't pay attention to the warning signs.  We have to remember that God's warning signs are his wisdom for us too.  If we will heed the warning signs that God gives us, it will spare us from unnecessary heartache and bad situations.  (Matthew 2:12,22)